Friday, 1 March 2013

Jalisco: anonymous tip leads to a narco lab, tigers and deer

An anonymous tip led to the discovery
An anonymous tip has led Mexican authorities in the state of Jalisco, near the border with Zacatecas, to a narco laboratory where there was also a primitive zoo containing two Bengal tigers and deer.

The commissioner of public safety for the town of Yahualica, Francisco Alejandro Solorio Aréchiga, said that after receiving the tip authorities mounted an operation, whereupon they located 15 boilers – possibly for the manufacture of methamphetamines.

As is often the case, no arrests were made. Occasionally in Mexico after the authorities are tipped off corrupt official then in turn warn the criminals that they are about to show up, giving them ample time to escape.
Yahualica is northeast of Guadalajara

Jalisco is well-known as being a transit point for precursor chemicals that come into ports on the Pacific coast and are then converted to powerful crystal meth before being shipped north to the United States.

(TE Wilson is the author of Mezcalero, a Detective Sánchez novel.)

For related stories, see;

Tiger kills trainer at circus in Mexico

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