Anonymous has been attempting to block government websites
in Costa Rica since Monday, February25, and says it will continue until
late March, but so far their efforts appear to have had little impact. The
attacks are in protest of Costa Rica’s “gag law”, which has been in effect for over
a year.
The hacked sites were allegedly the Regulatory Authority of
Public Services (Autoridad Reguladora de los Servicios Públicos, or “Aresep”), the
Costa Rican Institute of Sport and Recreation (Instituto Costarricense del
Deporte y la Recreación, or “Icoder”), and the Ministry of Public Education (Ministerio
de Educación Públic, “MEP”).
As of this writing all three sites are up and running.
Alexánder Vargas, MEP’s IT manager, has said that the his has seen a lot of traffic of late, which could be consistent with a distributed
denial of service (DDOS) attack, though that could not be confirmed.