Mexico’s federal police are supposedly cleaner than the state
forces, which in turn shine brighter than the municipal cops. By comparison, in
Canada the RCMP sets the national standard, as does the FBI in the United States.
But sometimes even the crème de la crème falter. When that
happens, we have examples of corruption, harassment, falsification of evidence,
perjury...the usual hanky panky. In Mexico, however, as one commentator so aptly
described it to La politica, sometimes “This is next level shit.”
So, as we hear news of a report confirming that the death last year in a helicopter crash of Mexico’s Interior Minister, Blake
Mora, was due to pilot error, and that Mexico’s City’s airport is now cleaned up
from police corruption after this last summer’s shoot out, so too do we hear that federal law enforcement
is, yet again, in renewal mode now that 14 federal police officers have been charged
in last August’s attack on CIA officers.
In that daylight attack – near the town of Tres Marias,
south of Mexico City – a US embassy SUV with two CIA operatives was riddled
with 152 bullets. Presumably, the orders came from a drug cartel. The wounded officers have since returned to the United States.
To the credit of Mexican authorities, they did not hide behind
initial suggestions that the attack was a mistake and, perhaps, a case of
mistaken identity. It was, significantly, the Mexicans who decided that the use
of AK-47s, and the fact that the assailants were not wearing uniforms, pointed
to a well-orchestrated hit.
The 14 officers, who come from the southern Mexico City
district of Tlalpan, are all now charged with attempted murder. One of the
federal officers is also charged with making false statements, with five others
being accused of covering up the attack. The 14 were also charged with property
The off-duty officers were in private vehicles when they
attacked the agents’ Toyota Land Cruiser, bearing diplomatic license plates. The agents were travelling with a Mexican navy
captain to a military training camp south of the capital.
Of concern is the sheer size of the conspiracy. To have 14 federal
officers actively connected to organized crime to such an extent that they open
fire on a US embassy vehicle in the heart of the country is mind boggling.
If this is what the federal police are capable of, then what
on earth is going on at the state and municipal levels? Of course, La politica,
as well as a wide range of Mexican media outlets with an eye on local
corruption, know the answer all too well. In Mexico law and order and justice
are in play, available to the highest bidder.
(TE Wilson is the author of Mezcalero, a Detective Sánchez novel.)
Twitter: @TimothyEWilson
(TE Wilson is the author of Mezcalero, a Detective Sánchez novel.)
Twitter: @TimothyEWilson
Email: lapoliticaeslapolitica [at] gmail [dot] com
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