Thursday, 7 March 2013

Bentley Main, American stabbed in Chapala, succumbs to his wounds in Guadalajara hospital

Bentley Main, 66, a former resident of Seattle who had been active in the business community there, has died in a Guadalajara hospital after being attacked in Chapala on February 24. The attack, which occurred mid-day at 204 Avenida De la Rivera, had previously taken the life of Mr. Main’s companion, Martin Orozco Gutierrez, 48.

Mr. Main in 1994
Both men were found with multiple stab wounds. Though Orozco was dead at the scene – possibly beaten by a giraffe statue, which was found broken near his body – Mr. Main was transferred to a hospital in Guadalajara, 45 minutes away, where he has since succumbed to his wounds.

There were two separate sets of footprints at the scene that did no match those of the victims. However, as of this writing no suspects have been arrested. Robbery is a possible motive, given that the victims were without their wallets and keys, and a wall safe and two television sets may have been removed from the premises.

Responses on the Internet and directly to La politica suggest that Mr. Bentley was a well-respected and beloved member of his community in Seattle. He was a member of the Greater Seattle Business Association, and Board President in 1994, and will be greatly missed.

(TE Wilson is the author of Mezcalero, a Detective Sánchez novel.)

For the original report from La politica, please see:

February 24: One man stabbed to death in Chapala, expat in critical condition in Guadalajara hospital

Twitter: @TimothyEWilson
Email: lapoliticaeslapolitica [at] gmail [dot] com

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