Monday, 11 February 2013

Two bombs explode near city hall in Nuevo Laredo

Warnings to citizens of Nuevo Laredo
The northern Mexican state of Tamaulipas was hit hard by violence on Monday, February 11.

Not only was there was a gunfight in Reynosa that left five dead, there were also reports of two grenades going off near the city hall in Nuevo Laredo.

The explosions were not widely reported until later in the day when they were confirmed by both the U.S. Consulate General and the Government of Tamaulipas.

One explosion, which occurred at 11:50 am, was at the corner of Avenida Alvaro Obregón and Privada I. Tamez. It left one person injured: a young woman who received medical attention at the scene. There are reports that explosion this was due to a grenade being thrown at a parked municipal police vehicle.

This explosion damaged three vehicles – including a 2003 Ford Taurus with Texas plates and a late model Dodge Atos with Tamaulipas plates. A building facade was also damaged.

The second device detonated at the intersection of Juárez avenue and Bolívar street.

Police are encouraging citizens to stay indoors this evening, as there is no way of knowing if the attacks might continue. Specifically, they are advising people to avoid going to liquor stores, pharmacies and gas stations. Citizens are also advised against travel on highways, and most importantly against stopping.

However, it’s uncertain what efficacy there is in such warnings, given that both attacks occurred in broad daylight.

This not the first incident of this kind. At least twice in 2012 vehicles laden with explosives were used in apparent attacks against municipal officials.

(TE Wilson is the author of Mezcalero, a Detective Sánchez novel.)

Twitter: @TimothyEWilson
Email: lapoliticaeslapolitica [at] gmail [dot] com

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