Saturday, 9 February 2013

Confusion reigns after police attack motorcade of Attorney General for Morelos, killing three bodyguards

Safer at home?
Police attacked the motorcade of the Attorney General for Morelos early Friday, killing three of his bodyguards. The Attorney General, Rodrigo Dorantes Salgado, was en route to his home and was unharmed.

The attack occurred just after midnight in Cuernavaca, the state capital, when state police in several patrol cars overtook the motorcade, isolated Dorantes’s vehicle, and began shooting. The three bodyguards returned fire but were outnumbered and killed.

The incident reportedly began at a security checkpoint 90 kilometers (56 miles) south of the capital.  The four car motorcade, given its official capacity, felt it was not required to stop. It sped past, and then in confusion state police opened fire and began their pursuit.

Ironically, the motorcade did not stop “for security reasons”. This is understandable, given that a fake checkpoint could be a ruse to kill the politician.

Ten state police officers were taken into custody after the incident.

The state government has called the confrontation “absurd”, and said that it was due to confusion within the police, although the attorney general travels in a clearly marked vehicle which, according to the government, is known to the state police. If so, they are also more than a little reckless. Not a good combination.

This was not a short-lived event. It lasted until around 1:00 am, when state Public Safety Secretary Alicia Vazquez Luna arrived at the scene to find three of Dorantes’ bodyguards dead.

Morelos, which is directly south of Mexico City, has been on edge of late. The governor has stated that he has turned down offers of a pact with criminal organizations, and has upped his security detail considerably.

(TE Wilson is the author of Mezcalero, a Detective Sánchez novel.)

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